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How is the Weather in Madrid During January?

Updated: November 10, 2023

January in Madrid is cold but relatively dry.


Daytime high temperatures tend to be around 9-11 C (48-52 F) with a few of the warmer afternoons reaching up near 16 C (60-61 F).

The record high temperature in Madrid during January Is 19.9 C (76.8 F).

Late night and early morning lows tend to fall to around 2 C (35-36 F) with a few of the colder mornings dipping down to around -5 C (23 F).

The record low temperature in Madrid during January is -10.1 C (13.8 F).

Sky and Rain

You can expect about 16 days with sunny, or at least partly sunny skies this month and about 15 mostly cloudy days.

Rain normally occurs on 5-6 days with about 1 day recording some snow, often mixed with rain. Snow accumulations, if any, tend to be less than 1 cm (0.4 inches).


The number of daylight hours begins to increase this month from about 9.3 hours on the 1st to 10.1 hours by the 31st.


Mostly light to gentle winds prevail this month at 6-19 kph (4-12 mph) but can occasionally be moderate at 20-28 kph (13-18 mph).

What to Wear in Madrid during January?

You will need warm winter clothes this month and you should pack a warm jacket or coat, some scarves, as well as hat & gloves.

In addition, long pants, sweaters, and warm socks will come in handy. Don’t forget some warm comfortable walking shoes or boots.

Things to Do in Madrid in January

Although the weather will be cold, many free Madrid walking tours run rain or shine, which means you can enjoy a tour of the city even in the dead of winter.

If it's raining during your visit, consider going to an indoors event or attraction to avoid the worst of it while enjoying a fun activity.

Our top recommendation is to attend a live Flamenco show, because it's an excellent opportunity to experience the culture of this city.

There are also a number of great museums to visit, including the following:

Fred Pickhardt   
Ocean Weather Services

About The Author

Fred Pickhardt

Fred is a marine meteorologist and sailed briefly with American Export Lines in the Far East trade. He has extensive experience in weather analysis, weather forecasting, and forensic weather event reconstructions. Fred founded Ocean Weather Services and currently provides forensic marine weather reports to the maritime industry.
Updated: November 10th, 2023
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