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How is the Weather in Prague in January?

Updated: April 30, 2023

This post is about the weather in Prague in January, including average temperatures, rainfall, and tips on what to wear.

Prague in January tends to be very cold but dry. Precipitation is light and frequently occurs in the form of snow.


Daytime high temperatures in Prague during January average around 1-2 C (low-mid 30s F) while a few of the warmer afternoons can reach up around 9 C (upper-40s F).

The record high temperature in Prague during January is only 16 C (61 F). 

Late night and early morning lows tend to be below freezing, averaging near -3 C to -4 C (mid-20s F).

You can expect about 25 days this month with temperatures falling to 0 C (32 F) or below and 1 day dipping down to around -17 C (0 F). 

The record low temperature in Prague during January is a very cold -25 C (-13 F). 


On average, about 12 days this month will be sunny or at least partly sunny. 

Precipitation falls on about 15 days but tends to be light and frequently falls in the form of snow. 

Snow accumulations for January generally only total about 5 cm (2 inches).


Daylight increases throughout this month from about 8.2 hours on the 1st to 9.3 hours by the 31st.

What to Wear in Prague during January?

January is a very cold month in Prague so dress for winter! You should pack a few sweaters and a warm winter coat.

Warm shoes or boots and a couple of thick pairs of socks will also come in handy when exploring Prague on foot. 

Also consider a pair of gloves and a scarf and don’t forget a good pair of walking shoes as well. 

Things to Do in Prague in January

It can get pretty cold in Prague this time of year, but you might still want to consider taking a pay-what-you-wish walking tour.

If you happen to visit on a snowy day, there's no better time to see some of the most notable sites in the city such as Prague Castle and Old Town Square.

In addition to that activity, you could head to Petrin Tower to get an amazing look at the city as it is blanketed in snow.

This is also usually a good time to see ice hockey from the local team HC Sparta. One of the biggest concerts this month will feature Ozzy Osbourne at the O2 Arena.

For more ideas, make sure to check our post on things to do in Prague.

Fred Pickhardt

Ocean Weather Services 

About The Author

Fred Pickhardt

Fred is a marine meteorologist and sailed briefly with American Export Lines in the Far East trade. He has extensive experience in weather analysis, weather forecasting, and forensic weather event reconstructions. Fred founded Ocean Weather Services and currently provides forensic marine weather reports to the maritime industry.
Updated: April 30th, 2023
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