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The Weather in Barcelona in April

Updated: May 3, 2024

April in Barcelona features mostly dry weather, with cool to comfortable afternoons with chilly nights.


Daytime maximum temperatures tend to be near 17 C (62 F) early in April, warming gradually to near 19 C (66 F) by the end of the month.

A few of the warmer afternoons, especially later in the month, can reach 21 C (about 70 F).

The record high temperature in Barcelona during April is 23 C (74 F).

Late night and early morning low temperatures will tend to be near 8 C (about 46 F) early in April, warming to 10-11 C (50-52 F) late in the month.

A few of the colder mornings, especially early in the month, can dip down near 5-6 C (about 42 F).

The record low temperature in Barcelona during April is 7 C (35 F). 

How Much Rain in April?

You can expect about 17 days with sunny, or at least partly sunny skies.

Some rain is possible on about 10 days this month, however, only 5 days typically will record 1 mm (0.04 inches) or more. 


The number of daylight hours increases from 12.7 hours on April 1st to just short of 14 hours by the 30th, allowing ample time to get out and explore this interesting city.


The wind in Barcelona this month tends to be mostly light to gentle averaging between 6-19 kph/4-12 mph, but occasionally can be moderate at 20-28 kph/13-18 mph.

Ocean Water Temperatures

The beach will be chilly this month with water temperatures averaging around 14-15 C (57-59 F) so swimming will not be a good option. 

What to Wear in Barcelona During April?

Spring attire will be best this month, however, there can be several chilly days, especially early in the month.

We recommend long-sleeved shirts and tops, as well as a couple of sweaters plus a light or medium-weight coat or jacket for the colder nights and mornings.

Don’t forget some comfortable walking shoes! 

Things to Do in Barcelona During April

As the weather begins to warm up this month, you might want to consider taking a pay-what-you-want walking tour in Barcelona.

If you're looking for a fun activity to enjoy in the evening, there are plenty of restaurants and other venues offering Flamenco performances all month long.

It's worth noting that Sant Jordi's Day is on April 23rd, and this holiday is typically celebrated with flowers, red decorations, and Catalan flags hung at various locations throughout the city.

One great place to visit is Las Ramblas street, which is typically transformed into a large flower market!

Every now and then you'll also have an opportunity to catch a major concert or see a football match. The Barcelona Open Finals are also usually held this month.

For even more ideas, make sure to read our post covering things to do in Barcelona in April.

Fred Pickhardt

Ocean Weather Services

About The Author

Fred Pickhardt

Fred is a marine meteorologist and sailed briefly with American Export Lines in the Far East trade. He has extensive experience in weather analysis, weather forecasting, and forensic weather event reconstructions. Fred founded Ocean Weather Services and currently provides forensic marine weather reports to the maritime industry.
Updated: May 3rd, 2024
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